Monday, September 16, 2019

Week 6--due Friday, September 20th

This week, we'll begin studying a new region of the world, the Greater Middle East.  You'll quickly discover that "the Middle East" is an inexact term, as the region is defined in many different ways.   

The Greater Middle East

The origin of the term "Middle East" is considered to be in the British India Office during the 1850s. It was popularized by Alfred Thayer Mahan, an American naval strategist who was referring to the region between Arabia and India in 1902. Mahan's definition of the Middle East was the area around the Persian Gulf.  -World

Where is the Middle East? (3:00)

Misconception of Middle Eastern Culture and Religion | Melika Rahmani  (10:00) Watch this video by Melika Rahmani was emigrated from Iran to the US when she was six-years old.  Make a table with two columns.  On one side list the misconceptions she's encountered. On the other, list facts/true things she shares about the Middle East/her culture.

Learn some of the countries of the Middle East, the georegions, seas and bays via Sheppard:

Sheppard Software Geography--Middle East

Work your way through Middle Eastern countries, starting with tutorial, beginner, advanced beginner and intermediate.  Then explore the georegions, seas and bays.

This Week's Focus--Egypt and Turkey

Pastor Rodney Howell will be visiting us this Friday and sharing bits of his recent trip to Turkey and Egypt.

Geography Now Egypt!  (12:00, a bit silly, but good overview) --define wadi, write down five significant things you learned about Egypt from this video.

Turkey's Geographic Challenge--  write down three things you learned.

Watch this 5:00 National Geographic short film:  Travel Around Turkey in 5 minutes.---gorgeous landscapes and interesting people.

Here's the description: On their travels in Turkey, filmmakers Vincent Urban, Clemens Krüger, and Stefane Templer captured soaring time-lapses and glimpses of quiet countryside moments. From the iconic, glistening skyline of Istanbul to the rocky hillside villages of Cappadocia, explore some of the country’s most beautiful treasures.

 *More to come.....just getting home from vacation this morning, but I will add a Google form for you to fill out in the next few days....just a quick survey of what you know and would like to learn about this area of the world (similar to the one we did for Africa).

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