Sunday, May 10, 2020

Zoom Movie Night

Hello Everyone,

If you missed the Tuesday Zoom movie night--or if you didn't--you're in luck!  We had some technical difficulties and had to reschedule for Thursday 5/14 at 8:00.  I think I have the problem figured out this time. Here's the invite:

Elizabeth Price is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Password: 057443
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Meeting ID: 851 2519 4557
Password: 057443
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Hope to see some of you there!

Mrs. Price

Also, good news!  I found a link to the other South American episodes from that documentary series if you are interested.  We watched the Andes episode, but there are five more.  Here's the link.

Take care, stay safe, and have a great summer!

Mrs. Price

Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 13--Due May 8th--Last Day of Class!

Hello Everyone,

It's been so fun to teach you this year--you all are engaging, curious, and have grown tremendously in your public speaking skills over the last two semesters.  I hope you feel that growth and see it in yourselves!  You are also a very positive and encouraging class to each other---building each other up, laughing together, and supporting each other in your studies--so nice to see.

Finish the South America Slides & Quiz
For this week, please finish the slides and quiz from our class time.  You don't have to "watch" the very last video--that's more for a stress-filled day when you want to fly away to Patagonia and watch the flamingos feed and Guanacos  roam. ; )

But do watch all of the other videos.  And, I'll make a point to fix the video on Llamas, Vicunas, etc. so that it's not in Spanish, so watch that video too.  Finish up your quiz.  Don't peek but correct yourself as you go.  Remember your quiz grade and you can share it via chat next class.

South & Central America Slideshow

North American Geography

When I have a minute, I'll record my reading of The Little Man in the Map book to help you remember the 50 states.  I'll post the link HERE. Even though it's a little goofy and a "children's book," it will help those state locations to stick.  Goofy and unusual is actually better when it comes to memory--we remember odd things more readily.

After you study this book, I want you to print a map of the US and see how many states you can label without looking. Here's a good basic outline map you can print. Color in and outline the "man" too--red hat, blue shirt, red pants, and boots.  You can "draw" some of the other tricks/visuals too if you like.  I've always been fond of the TN/NC table and the NY flashlight.  UCAN is also super helpful! Personally, I find Montana's face a little creepy--especially with the "Jack in the Box" Wyoming.but hey, it will help us remember them. ; )

US States and Canada Sheppard Software

Drill the Canadian Provinces & US States at Sheppard Software too. Here are some links:

Drill Canadian Provinces
Drill US States

Review your Asian flags too if you have opportunity.  We'll have some type of game next class testing it all---let me know if you have any ideas.  Would jeopardy work? Zap? I'll have to think about it....

Spotify Geography Playlist

Here's the Spotify playlist if you missed it last week.  Feel free to add songs you like.  I added the two most famous ones by John Prine if you are curious ("Angel from Montgomery" and "Paradise") though I will warn you those are sad.  I also added the Covid related "Six Feet Apart" from country singer Luke Combs---he just released his official version May 1st. Caleb has some great movie soundtrack songs on there too.

Mrs. Price's Geography Playlist

Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 12--Due May 1st

This week we'll start learning about the Americas.

Begin by drilling Central and South American countries at Sheppard Software here.

Work through countries, georegions, rivers, and seas.  Expect a quiz.

Watch this documentary on the Andes Mountains and the Patagonia.

As you watch, become familiar with the following animals, plants, birds, insects, and places from the video:

Spectacled Bear
Hummingbirds of Andes, including Hillstar
Puya Flower
3 types of flamingos

What kind of animal am I?
salt lakes
brine flies
Andean Avocet
Andean Flicker
Andean condors
grey foxes
buff-necked ibis
Grey grebes

We'll play a quiz game called "What am I?"

Spotify Geography Playlist

At long last, as we talked about......see if you can add your songs!

Mrs. Price's Geography Playlist

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 11--Due 4/24

Make a Paper Lantern

Make a Chinese Paper Lantern---do nice work!  Post a picture of your finished lantern to this Padlet.
We'll vote on our favorite next class.  The prize is money from Asia. 

Need a refresher on the steps?  This link is pretty close to what Willa presented.  Or Google "Chinese Paper Lantern craft" and select "images" for even more ideas and directions.

Latin American Presentations

We'll finish up our How To Presentations next week with Latin America and Sushi. Students who have yet to to choose their topic should email me with their choice once they figure it out.

South Asia Knowledge Slideshow

We'll finish up our tour of Asia by clicking through the slides and links, reading, and watching the videos about South Asia.  Here are the slides. You should hit "present" and use your arrows to forward WITHIN each slide too so that the layers/animation will make sense.  Do the flag quiz at the end too. 

Lots to learn about here--stupas, Bengal tigers, skyscrapers and more...  Pay attention and take notes when appropriate...we will have a test on Australia, Asia & South America at the end of the year.

Spotify Covid Playlist

I will post a Spotify playlist here---once I figure out how to create and share one.  Think about  what songs you want to share. 

Nepal boasts 8 of the 8,000 meter mountains in the Himalayas, including Mount Everest

Bengal White Tiger--isn't he gorgeous.  Bengal Tigers are indigenous to India, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. They are endangered; as of only 2,500 or fewer remain in the wild per Wikipedia. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Week 10--Due 4/15


Here is the link to the slideshow from last class--I've modified it so that it includes the How-To Presentation Schedule for both weeks.  Please add your topic when you know it. It also includes the directions for the presentations toward the end.  If you missed class, look through the China slides and watch the videos too.

Demo Presentations & China Slides

If you were not able to attend the Zoom session on Friday, the slides should catch you up.

Everyone should watch the following videos on the Chinese Lunar New Year:

#1 Lunar New Year    

#3 Chinese New Year Lion Dance--Hong Kong

Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune. The lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year and other Chinese traditional, cultural and religious festivals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 9--4/10


Just a reminder that technically we are "off" on Easter Break Friday, but we decided we'd meet briefly to discuss our "How To" presentation basics.

If you have a conflict, that's fine.  I'll record our session and post it. 

See you then--9:00 Friday.

Mrs. Price

Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 8, Due 4/3

Thursday note: Please post BOTH of your Haikus on this Padlet wall before class tomorrow.  Take time to read each others and comment on each other's if you like. Also, you could also take a picture of the one you created with visual interest and post that too.

Learn the Geography of Asia

This week learn the geography of Asia---expect some type of quiz next week.  What type of quiz? Not sure yet, but I'll figure it out.

Sheppard Software--Asia
Countries--Do levels L, 1 and 2
Landscapes--Do all of these L and G for each (georegions, lakes, rivers, oceans)

Japanese Haiku

Work on your haiku.  I've decided you should write one of your own and then also select one from a poet that you like. For your original haiku, you should write or type out the words and make it visual/artistically thoughtful.  Blowing droplets of watered down paint or watercolors could be one way--sounds simple and interesting.  See this link.

But first, watch the two videos below closely so that you understand the art form:

While you watch, describe and identify the significance of the following:


You've been writing Haiku wrong

P.S. Don't make the common mistake mentioned in the second video---just because it's simple looking and short, doesn't mean it can be done well quickly.  Take your time.  Maybe we will vote for our favorite haikus.