Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 12--Due May 1st

This week we'll start learning about the Americas.

Begin by drilling Central and South American countries at Sheppard Software here.

Work through countries, georegions, rivers, and seas.  Expect a quiz.

Watch this documentary on the Andes Mountains and the Patagonia.

As you watch, become familiar with the following animals, plants, birds, insects, and places from the video:

Spectacled Bear
Hummingbirds of Andes, including Hillstar
Puya Flower
3 types of flamingos

What kind of animal am I?
salt lakes
brine flies
Andean Avocet
Andean Flicker
Andean condors
grey foxes
buff-necked ibis
Grey grebes

We'll play a quiz game called "What am I?"

Spotify Geography Playlist

At long last, as we talked about......see if you can add your songs!

Mrs. Price's Geography Playlist

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 11--Due 4/24

Make a Paper Lantern

Make a Chinese Paper Lantern---do nice work!  Post a picture of your finished lantern to this Padlet.
We'll vote on our favorite next class.  The prize is money from Asia. 

Need a refresher on the steps?  This link is pretty close to what Willa presented.  Or Google "Chinese Paper Lantern craft" and select "images" for even more ideas and directions.

Latin American Presentations

We'll finish up our How To Presentations next week with Latin America and Sushi. Students who have yet to to choose their topic should email me with their choice once they figure it out.

South Asia Knowledge Slideshow

We'll finish up our tour of Asia by clicking through the slides and links, reading, and watching the videos about South Asia.  Here are the slides. You should hit "present" and use your arrows to forward WITHIN each slide too so that the layers/animation will make sense.  Do the flag quiz at the end too. 

Lots to learn about here--stupas, Bengal tigers, skyscrapers and more...  Pay attention and take notes when appropriate...we will have a test on Australia, Asia & South America at the end of the year.

Spotify Covid Playlist

I will post a Spotify playlist here---once I figure out how to create and share one.  Think about  what songs you want to share. 

Nepal boasts 8 of the 8,000 meter mountains in the Himalayas, including Mount Everest

Bengal White Tiger--isn't he gorgeous.  Bengal Tigers are indigenous to India, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. They are endangered; as of only 2,500 or fewer remain in the wild per Wikipedia. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Week 10--Due 4/15


Here is the link to the slideshow from last class--I've modified it so that it includes the How-To Presentation Schedule for both weeks.  Please add your topic when you know it. It also includes the directions for the presentations toward the end.  If you missed class, look through the China slides and watch the videos too.

Demo Presentations & China Slides

If you were not able to attend the Zoom session on Friday, the slides should catch you up.

Everyone should watch the following videos on the Chinese Lunar New Year:

#1 Lunar New Year    

#3 Chinese New Year Lion Dance--Hong Kong

Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune. The lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year and other Chinese traditional, cultural and religious festivals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 9--4/10


Just a reminder that technically we are "off" on Easter Break Friday, but we decided we'd meet briefly to discuss our "How To" presentation basics.

If you have a conflict, that's fine.  I'll record our session and post it. 

See you then--9:00 Friday.

Mrs. Price