Monday, January 27, 2020

Week 1, Semester 2--Due 1/27

Hello Everyone,

We are back at it this Friday.  I hope you've had a restful winter break, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday.

We will launch into the geography of Europe Friday, so please create a Europe tab in your notebook.

Your work for Friday is to watch this video about Europe's geography.  It's about an hour and ten minutes long, but I like it because it covers geography, history, and culture. Take SOME notes while you watch.  It will present a LOT of information, so you won't be able to catch it all, but define terms put on the screen (ex. arable) and jot down a few highlights for each country that is discussed at any length.  These notes will be the first grade of this semester, so be sure to bring them to class Friday.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Week 1, January 31st

Hello Everyone,

We will start back 2nd semester on January 31st when the rest of the non-science classes resume.  I know you'll have some down time in January, and some of you have asked for additional work to keep busy or improve your performance in this class. If you are interested in this type of extra-level work, please read one of the following books over break. Many of them are available at your local library or inexpensively online:

Tim Marshall, Prisoners of Geography

Tim Marshall, The Age of Walls

Great Maps, the World's Masterpieces Explored and Explained

Robert Kaplan, the Revenge of Geography

Jared Diamond--Guns, Germs, and Steel

Do let me know if you would like to pursue this option by shooting me an email and telling me the name of the work you plan to read.  Again, this is not required work, just 1) extra work to improve your performance and/or 2) enrichment work because you are curious and diligent. ; )

In the meanwhile, Happy 2020 and enjoy the quiet of January,

Mrs. Price